Thursday, September 27, 2012


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I may have lost a competitive Basket-Hockey-Golf-Calisthenics game. I'm not sure; rules changed every three seconds, the 5 year old was sure of the outcome and happily declared she had won.. . . . Continue reading 'Competitive Basket-Hockey-Golf-Calisthenics'

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As you may know, I enjoy photography. Part of that enjoyment comes from having your ego crushed when you lose yet another photography contest. . . . Continue reading 'Actual Nature'

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As some of you know, I broke my arm a few weeks ago. There are important life lessons to be learned from this experience, namely: Don't anger the Emergency Room staff. . . Continue reading 'Medical Mal-pricing'

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Temple of Eternal Happiness ...

I found myself in New York City yesterday. It's been many, many years since I was here last. Unlike last time, I did not awaken to find myself naked, broke and with a mis-spelled tattoo on my person. This is fortunate, because if that were to have happened again, my wife would have a lot of questions. . . . Continue reading 'Temple of Eternal Happiness'

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In a beautifully choreographed ...
In a beautifully choreographed, meticulously executed, oh-so-graceful move, I accidentally broke my left arm.
But all was not lost. Because of my left arm's sacrifice and, from years of practice, subconsciously, I was able to save most of what was in my right hand, a Healthy Choice brand 'Sweet Bourbon Steak', TV dinner, recently microwaved. . . . .Continue reading 'In a beautifully choreographed . . . '

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Periodically, you may see me at a Starbucks before work, sipping my latte, business-section of our local paper tucked under my arm, reading my Blackberry, apparently doing something high-powered and important. Not true. I'm really surfing the internet, looking for info on the latest gadgets, checking scores on ESPN, playing Sudoku, or other not very important nor high-powered activities. . . .Continue reading 'Blackberry Anonymous'

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Not hiring illegal aliens. Moreover, I have been told that my mantra should be "Don't go to Jail". . . . .
Continue reading 'Public office qualification requirements include ... '